Bannaporn Ubonsaen

Thainess Pavilion: Stratum of Thai Merit

Title : Stratum of Thai Merit

Subjective (idea behind): a belief according to Buddhism about merit-making that more merit to be in higher rank of heaven afterlife or born with wealth in next life

Objective : to create a space that show increasing and transferring of merit of Thai Buddhist

Description : Buddhism is the religion that Thai people respect the most. Making merit is largely influenced by Buddhism. Many Thai people like to make merit by donating money, things, food to temples or Buddhist monks with a belief that is one of the ways that make them be in a better place for the next life or be in a high level of heaven afterlife.  Traibhumikatha: the story of three worlds which is about Thais beliefs mentions hell, earth, and heaven which can divide in 33 small levels but never tell how to be in heaven. However, many Thai people believe that making merit a lot will lead to heaven that creates a continuum action of accumulating merit and dedicating or transferring to others.

Keyword : transfer, spread

2D Diagrams

3D Diagrams

Design Development



Section A                                                                                       Section B


Top – Right – Left – Front – Back


Sequence of space

Student Name

Bannaporn Ubonsaen

Semester/ Year


Subject/ Project Type

2nd. year




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